Dealer Display with 12 Spec-Pak Factory Fastener kits
$100 for 12 Spec-Paks and the display unit is free. These sell for $19.99 so you more than double your investment on these popular sets. Choose any 12. These things turn great profits for your parts department. These kits contain all the factory matching fasteners you customers are going to need for any quick repair. Most riders will grab up one of these when purchasing oil, spark plugs, or whatever for that weekend outing. A very smart impulse buy at the counter. Full selection of factory correct OEM match 10.9 grade M6 reduced flange bolts, M6 radiator shroud shoulder bolts, Fork-guard bolts, Sub-frame bolt, seat bolts, chain slider washers and screws, spare triple clamp and handle bar bolts, collar washers/body bushings, rear fender square nuts and more.
Note: these are set at dealer pricing so no other discount will apply.